I have received some complaints that I haven't blogged all weekend. Before I make any excuses (*cough cough* I'm sick.) I figured I might as well upload the (really poor quality) pictures of my weekend.
1. Lets start Friday afternoon as I was leaving school...This was the license plate of the green minivan paralleled in front of me on La Jolla blvd. To be clear, personalized license plates are my #2 pet peeve. (#1 being eyebrows - both under and over-groomed.) This one makes a perfect case for my hatred, as it is stupid. I don't think people should be able to get personalized license plates until a committee of citizens who serve (not unlike jury duty) to review the license plate in question. If they can all tell what it means without a doubt, it is fit for the road. Because, if it is not, people like me, are not only at risk of road rage, but also of getting into an accident while tailgating said stupid driver and attempting to figure out what they tried to be witty about in the first place.
Take this one: I looked at it and asked, "Post Traumatic Stress Cat?". I'm not impressed.

2. Saturday morning, after a big night (watching The Ghost Writer On Demand with Brynn), I was exhausted at 9:30 AM when it was time to resign my Saturday to an 8x10, windowless, flourescently-lit, editors office. To my pleasant surprise, my friend who does the paper's graphics brought her pet hedgehog to hibernate. His name is something in Russian I cannot remember nor pronounce. He is nocturnal, pygmy, illegal, and effing adorable. Basically a cartoon character come to life. His nose is my favorite, a bit too long for his face and moves when he sniffs. A hedgehog is my new backup plan for when I live somewhere I can't bring one of my three dogs.

3. This is yesterday when I went to Buffalo Exchange in order to get out of the editors office. I found this T-Shirt with a body-hair design and because I get made fun of for being attracted to men with chest hair, I sent this out to a couple friends with the tagline, "Look - I'm James*!". Self-deprication almost always puts people at ease - especially when you are wearing a T-Shirt with nipples on it.

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