I realize it's been a while...
Thursday, 9:35 PM: My brother, Caden, finally gets a beard. Scratch that, a bear. My dog Bear, decidedly likes to sleep on his face, and would not exit the facial area even after incessant prodding. They are bonded for life. Somewhat similar to Peter Griffin's bird beard in Family Guy season 3 episode 17 .

Friday, 1:13 PM: More irritating license plates from the Bishop's parking garage...If these belong to you, you suck.
"What Gaz?" (wtf) "Mother F***er For Life"
Saturday, 12:40 PM: Draper dog park, waiting to pick up Victoria. Stumble upon (in real life) this sign: the topper of a myriad of arrows pointing to possible desired locations and their relative distance from this "YOU ARE HERE" grounding force. On a side note, Draper Street is at an elevation of 121 ft. We are screwed when the Pacific rears its ugly menopausal head.
"We're not all here because we're not all there" (Sorry, had to climb the sign to take this picture, couldn't get it all in...)

Sunday, 10:42 AM: "I like that CRAP on your face" - James, at Busy Bee's for breakfast. Best coffee/bagels/everything ever. Also, CRAP eyewear is pretty "dank" according to all the groms who sport it. I must say I agree in social context, but for the record (according to New Oxford American Dictionary - which seems like an oxymoron in itself), dank is descriptive of someplace "disagreeably damp, musty, and typically cold". Think cave.
Hello world, I'm not quite ready for the new week if you couldn't tell. Here's to us.

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