This first one is from a really cool art exhibit my mom and I went to on Ray St. in Northpark last weekend. The artist, Micah Smurthwaite ( made this installation called "Death By Consumption". When we got to meet him, my mom said, "Oh yeah, my daughter is totally into the whole recycling and global warming thing: she digs through the trash all the time when I get too lazy to recycle." Thanks, mom.
Thankfully, this guy was enough into the environment and my 6-inch heels enough to reply, "You dig through trash? That's hot." (So, actually thanks?)

Another gem, discovered just this morning, were my bottles of Diet Coke I stupidly left in the fridge. My mom, just to make sure I understood the consequences of my beverage, crossed out the label and wrote "TOXIC" on one bottle, and "CANCER" on the bigger bottle. (Evidence is inconclusive - that's my story and I'm sticking to it.) Thanks, mom.

Lastly, my mom is throwing my graduation party at a house 3 doors away from my ex-boyfriend. She mentioned she thought it would be funny to invite him, along with a "parade of ex-boyfriends!". I'm more than a little nervous. Thanks, mom.
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