Sunday, August 7, 2011


NOW YOU CAN FIND ME HERE. THAT IS ALL. Sorry for the betrayal. You will get used to it. I promise.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

too busy

to blog. Too busy enjoying this other person's blog alot. I also suggest reading everything in their right hand side panel - most specifically "God of Cake". Have fun!!

If you are still bored and still mad at me for not taking the time out of my busy schedule to go to the gym or to write to you, unleash your ill will. Be fooled not by his squirrelly appearance, he is the love of my life...or maybe the goth chick is. Can't really decide.

P.S. I hate having to go places that make me feel like I'm in the 90's. (#Kinkos/FedEx and Car Dealership in Kearny Mesa) THEY SUFFOCATE.

Really? An IBM computer and fax machines? UGH.

P.P.S. I might soon be expanding my sloredom by transforming this blog into a Tumblr because everyone tells me that no one reads blogs. I'm starting to believe them. STRESS.


Monday, August 1, 2011

I'm a slore.

The time has finally come to admit why I have been avoiding my band of loyal followers (even though I have no idea if you are a band, much less loyal in the sense of the Robin Hood brotherhood I like to imagine). The reason is this - I am a slore. I am an iPhone slore, and I would be much more proud of this fact if it didn't make me a lying slore. (slut+whore-ut-wh = slore) If any of you are of the Robin Hood brethren, you would notice that back in January one of my first posts was bitching about the iPhone 4 for Verizion and Steve Jobs's general douchebaggery. Well, that douchebag is now getting 30 bucks a month for me to text like its an IM convo from 2003, and to take pictures of myself like it ain't no thang.

Also, weirdly enough, my email is faster on my phone than my computer. (Perceived obsolescence on my brand new MacBook Pro...)

If you must know, the reason I caved was because I desperately needed the NYC Transit app (which tells you what train is coming when from what station, walking directions to/from any station to your destination and a route map overlaid on a map of the city that shows you where you are even when you don't have service. #iPhoneisamazingI'msorryfordoubting. ("Please tell me you did not just twitter tag a text..." yeah, I started doing that even though I still hate Twitter. Need not jump on the band wagon to play with their literary toys!) Why a $3.99 app was worth the $299 phone I'm not positive, it just seemed like the right time to end my tumultuous affair with the enVy 1, 3, and 2 (in that order) phones after a 5 year run.

Subsequent to my most recent apple purchase and my entrance into the cult of "my iPhone is my baby", I'm having nightmares about shattering the screen. Good news is that I've only dropped the baby on it's head once since I got it for my birthday.

The iPhone's only faults are that I can't untag pics from Facebook, blogging is difficult for my gigantor digits, and that it is related to the iPad.